Fast Company Most Innovative Companies: No.7 Springleap

Fast Company Most Innovative Companies: No.7 Springleap

Fast Company Most Innovative Companies: Springleap’s #7!

  The recent pivot at Springleap toward focusing on disrupting traditional market research challenges the inefficiencies agencies and brands face with big data from market testing, consumer focus groups and testing:

  1. The process is too slow: 30 days or more. Much of the data is outdated by then
  2. Data is based on the aggregation of sentiment, which is opinion-based and fickle
  3. Expensive - accessing the companies that specialize in this space charge a prohibitive premium
  4. Once you have the data - interpreting it is a challenge, and drawing actionable insights is a separate engagement
  5. There are no “big ideas” in the feedback
  6. The feedback is often unsophisticated - especially in emerging markets where the survey questions are often not understood well

Springleap instead, provide access panel of over 180,000 creatives across the globe with advertising agency experience. These creative professionals work on countless campaigns in their locations. They’re in touch with the latest emerging trends and all the big data agencies are privy to. By providing on-demand access to this panel, clients get:

  1. Turnaround times of 7 days or less
  2. Sophisticated agency-quality feedback
  3. Ideas on how to fix the creative/ marketing assets
  4. Entry-level pricing is a fraction of competitors
  5. Localized, current on-the-ground insights

Springleap is privileged to be featured amongst the Fast Company most innovative companies - we’re working hard to bring a better model to the market research space with better data, quicker and in context.

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