FLOW - 'Close The Tap' Twitter Campaign

It is a scary fact that our global water supply is becoming more and more of a concern with each passing day. Having an abundance of safe drinking water is something that many of us take for granted. This is why it is essential that every single person, young and old, must begin to follow a water-wise lifestyle!

FLOW (for love of water) are a group of people that believe that “small actions can have a huge impact” on our lives.

They have created an awesome campaign on their CloseTheTap website that incorporates the power of crowdsourcing in order to spread the word and educate the public on things they can do to save water.

Using the power of Twitter, FLOW is urging South Africans to help close the tap on water wastage.

Every time somebody makes a water-wise Tweet the ‘virtual tap’ on their website tightens slightly. The tap itself will stop running when the tweet count hits 10 000. You can check out the ‘live flow cam’ on the website too to check the real-time progress of the campaign.

Simply click through the multitude of water-wise tips on the right hand side of the CloseTheTap website and Tweet it out by clicking the ‘Close the Tap’ button – it is as easy as that!

By making small adjustments to your everyday life, you can reduce water wastage and help us to create awareness around the litres of water we literally pour down the drain each day.”

Earth Day is just around the corner and we should all be doing our part to save our beautiful world.

Springleap is also doing its best to raise awareness for a more eco-friendly society, by running an awesome eco-friendly t-shirt contest called Glass Going Green for the Glass Recycling Company.

Get involved and tell all of your friends and family.

Spread the word, close the tap!

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