LSD, Lewis Carroll and Alice in Wonderland t-shirts

Did anyone ever hear a rumour that Lewis Carroll, the creator and writer of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, took LSD?

I heard it ages ago, but after a minute of research I found that LSD was only produced way after Carroll wrote the story about Alice.

The original edition of the book was first released in 1865, but LSD was only sythesised by Albert Hofmann, accidentally may I add (poor dude), in the year 1943.

So… SORRY whoever said that is a total idiot!

Lewis Carroll used opium, liberty caps and psychadelic mushrooms…NOT acid. Crazy people who try to discredit a man’s method to generate creativity! Pfffft.

I love Alice in Wonderland so I went a-searching for some cool themed t-shirts. Here’s what I found:

These two cool tye-die Alice in Wonderland tees come form

Don’t you just find this oke soooo funny?

This one’s nice and girly. Like the cut. It’s from

This one is an ‘emo’ depiction of innocent little Alice in Wonderland. I like it a lot. Find this t-shirt at musiccentral

Does anyone care that Lewis Carroll abused substances to bring us the awesome story of Alice in Wonderland?

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