Photoshop Shortcuts

Photoshop shortcuts

Using shortcuts in design and illustration, as in life, will get you where you want to be faster and easier than the long way round - and hey, let’s be honest, who can’t do with saving some time? Right - so today’s tutorial Tuesday is a roundup of experts tips on how to make the most of quick ways to get stuff done in Photoshop. Need to find fast ways to fill? Hell yes, of course you do. Well, alright - fill ‘er up!

Fast ways to fill

Fills are a great way to get a selection coloured in with either a colour or pattern - but they can be time consuming, and often you might not get quite then desired effect if you’re using your tool in the wrong mode. Psdtuts+’s Martin Perhiniak has some great insights into how you can cut down on time but still get your filled objects looking great. Keyboard shortcuts, using the Pen tool and the Type tool - it’s all here. Onward to Photoshop skill central!

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