The Value of the Meta Consumer - Why Use Insights From Professionals?

Sometimes, thinking inside the box is a good idea; in terms of marketing and research, it carries the potential to expand the frameworks of the specialised consumer. The definition “Meta” as a namesake is relevant to something bigger, larger and grander than its predecessor. Meta consumers pertain in-industry archetypes and come fully loaded with heaps of invaluable insights and information to share. Springleap is shaping the landscape of industry-based insights and enabling a rich basin of trendy happenings in the creative front of South Africa. Read more about our monthly trend report here.

This article will detail the innovative avenues that research, marketing, and brands can be presented with by focusing on those who know their industries best - the meta consumers.


A relatively groundbreaking avenue of sourcing insights, researchers can focus their efforts on bringing to life the core essence of “why” and “how” consumers are choosing certain lifestyles, buying certain products and even following particular trends.

Meta consumers can provide solid information about these insights because they don’t only know their industries, they know their industry’s consumers, the relationships that are sustained and the future horizons of a particular company’s marketing and business model. Meta consumers are also influential and have the inept ability to shift the standard consumer’s mindset and perceptions.


The meta consumer market is larger than most people think. When it comes to marketing products, advertising and brand communications, the meta consumer can be utilised to define, craft and hone in on the core CTA of any campaign; be it radio, print, online or TV.

Once adequate research has been applied to these masterminds, the insights gained can be packaged up into a platform of conversation for strategists and creatives to dive into and deliver more precise and impactful communication.


A similar result can be found in the spheres of research and marketing, with one crucial difference - an all rounded and honest critique about the frameworks, dynamics and flow of the relevant brand. What better way for a brand to weigh the legitimacy and upkeep of its promises than by gaining insights from the inside out?

The meta consumers in this landscape constitutes employees from lower to higher ranking positions, external stakeholders, competing brands striving for the same position on the branding map; the list is in fact endless.

The meta consumer is an emerging force that has the potential to take the wheel on market research. Comparable to an “Alpha” consumer, these people set the trends that the society follows, whether they are aware of it or not. With enough elbow grease, dedication and target segmentation, those who choose to study meta consumers and what makes them tick could open the field to a whole new scope on how researchers research, how markets market and how the public formates its physiographic behaviour - solid gold to a host of companies and firms in South Africa and the rest of the world.

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