TechCrunch features Springleap: A New Model For Creative Design To Madison Avenue And Beyond

In a recent article, TechCrunch features Springleap’s move away from design competitions and toward creating a sustainable model. This new model is poised for boosting access to creative skills and experience in the advertising agency model.

Techcrunch’s Jonathan Shieber got to spend some time with our CEO Eran Eyal  to discuss raising funding from UK, Australian and South African investors and moving to a non-spec creative crowdsourcing model.

Springleap gave Techcrunch the exclusive on raising US$400,000 to drive our new vision here.

Hinting at a future that promises access to advertising agency talent and experience on tap and a new model to revolutionize trend-spotting and market research - the article at Techcrunch delves deeper into the future of Springleap.

Read the original article here.


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