Meet the team

At Springleap brands, agencies, designers and
brand fans unite to solve & popularize creative
Dozens of agency-level solutions per brief and remarkable
social media marketing experiences - springleap your brand!
With access to a global talent pool of over 300 000 members, Springleap sources a huge diversity of unique designs for any brief, while engaging your brands’ target audiences and the ever-growing Springleap community in viral social media campaigns.
Springleap can provide you with a custom online Shopify ecommerce shop to round off your experience & monetize your fan base with awesome fan merchandise. Run the shop at Springleap and embed it into your Facebook page or your website.
Best of all - Springleap produces high-quality merchandise for you and handles all the administration, logistics and distribution.
To date, Springleap has awarded creatives with hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash prizes
and ongoing royalties for solving a wide variety of brand design problems.
They have appeared on TV, covers of international magazines and in galleries.
Springleap was placed 2nd at the prestigious Innovation 100 Awards in California, beating the likes of Apple App Store, Threadless, Amazon, Zazzle and eBay.
Recently Springleap was voted 1st place by 40 mentors at
Mentorcamp Canada.