
springleap mentioned in Die Burger jip

shoutOut on 29/7/08 by Eric in paparazzi

Wow! 2 mentions in 2 days. Yesterday was the Sunday Times talking about springleap in the “Hot Thangs” section…

And then today we got a call from a couple of the springleap guys to let us know that we got a mention in “Die Burger” which is one of South Africa’s LARGEST Afrikaans newspapers.

In the section called “Surf jou weg hierheen”, it says that “springleap maak die koelste T-hemde in Suid-Afrika”!

Our translation - springleap makes the coolest Tshirts in South Africa. We have to disagree slightly. We think springleap makes the coolest Tshirts ANYWHERE in the world!

But thanks “Die Burger” - what an awesome way to start the springleap day.


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