- Competitions are run every two weeks and there is ONLY ONE WINNER per competition. Questions
- The US$500 (£350 / €400 / ZAR4000) is cash in total.
- Sponsored prizes - varies from month to month depending on sponsors. For some competition only
- Payments of cash prizes will be made within 21 days of winner announcement. International winners will require a PayPal account. RSA designers can use a SA bank account.
- Royalties are paid on t-shirt reprints of winning designs only. The designer will receive R2 per reprint t-shirt sold. Royalties are calculated quarterly (every three months) and only amounts accruing to above R100 / $20 or more will be paid.
- Royalties on alternative products bearing your design.

- Every t-shirt is branded with the artist's name and the title of their creation on the t-shirt so that their name is advertised everywhere a springleap t-shirt is worn
- Winning creators are interviewed on camera and put on YouTube (when possible)
- Winning creators are interviewed in type and that interview is available linked to their profile and creation's page
- Should your design not win, you got a great free critique from the Springleap community, exposure on one of the world’s awarded "most innovative website" and you can re-enter your design for future competitions or use it in any way that you like.
- If you are not a Winner, Hold UP!, if you make our TOP TEN, and you get the TOP TEN stamp of approval for our themed competitions, your design will go into our amazing Designer catalogue which will be presented to all our Re-sellers. If the Re-seller likes your design, we notify you and you make royalties on all orders made!