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Grantino is from Indonesia ID and is 662,184,861 seconds young



shoutOut last shoutBack shoutBacks
 Life Never End shoutOut on 29/8/11 by Grantino in talkT on 30/8/11 by CathRon 6
 Hamster!!Yummy! shoutOut on 1/8/11 by Grantino in talkT on 18/8/11 by Grantino 7
 Have you smoke?? shoutOut on 1/8/11 by Grantino in talkT on 18/8/11 by Effin'Sweet 3
 WWOOAAAAA!!! shoutOut on 14/7/11 by Grantino in talkT on 18/8/11 by Grantino 6
 Smoke and Die shoutOut on 14/7/11 by Grantino in talkT on 18/8/11 by DuncanBoxie 5
 Free!!! shoutOut on 13/7/11 by Grantino in talkT on 18/8/11 by Hiro 1
 Astronaut shoutOut on 2/6/11 by Grantino in talkT on 18/8/11 by Grantino 8
 Sun Flower shoutOut on 2/6/11 by Grantino in talkT on 18/8/11 by Grantino 8
 Hansa Splash shoutOut on 26/5/11 by Grantino in talkT on 18/8/11 by stain05 11
 astraunot shoutOut on 12/5/11 by Grantino in talkT on 18/8/11 by Grantino 7