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Sebasebi interview with sebasebi by DuncanBoxie
This amazing artist hails all the way from Argentina.
Sebastian has the kind of style that just works beautifully on t-shirts.
1. So tell me about where you grew up, have you lived there all your
life or have you bounced around a lot?
I was born and have lived all my life in Rosario, one of the most important cities in Argentina.
2. When you were a child what did you want to grow up to be and what
would you say is your dream job now?
I always liked to draw, when as a child, I wanted to be soccer player.
But, now I would like to devote myself entirely to design, but still I cant do so.
3. Have you got a big family, how many?
yes, I have 4 brothers, but I live with my girlfriend.
4. What is without doubt the best experience of your life?
5. If you could have any super power what would it be?
To fly, of course.
6. What makes you get up in the morning?
I go to bed thinking about drawing and I get up thinking of drawinng, good music, my family and my girlfriend.
7. What makes the world go round?
Unfortunately, money.
8. Will you be supporting Earth Hour?
9. What music are you listening to at the moment?
PinkFloyd, Radiohead, John Frusciante, a lot of JAZZ, and local bands from my country.
10. If you could pick your ultimate dream adventure, what would it be?
I dont know, it’s a really difficult question.

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