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 entry 4 aprils springleap design competition closes on wednesday shoutOut 10 hours, 57 minutes ago by Eric in wordUp
none yet


If you haven’t submitted your tshirt design yet, then get submitting, coz entry’s close at midnight on the 27th which is wednesday!

voting starts on the 1st april, so come check out the designs, and give your opinion if they are good enough to be printed

 springleap would like to thank... shoutOut 1 week, 5 days ago by Eric in wordUp 11 hours, 22 minutes ago by crayon

Sounds like the academy awards ceremony doesn’t it?

But there are some incredible company’s and people out there that we’d like to thank.

First up the company’s that have offered PRIZES for the winning designers and the voters:


Skyrove - a skyrove router for the winning designer and skyrove vouchers for all the runner up’s

Jack Black Beer - premium special edition beers for the winner, and a lucky voter (need to be over 18 to get this one, so if you’re not, we’ll have to give it to one of the other winners)

If you want to sponsor some prizes for the designers or the voters, then get in touch…


A big thank you to Chad for the awesome banner designs he did for us. They rock man!

(Chad mailed us and said he wanted to do some stuff to help us. So we said ‘how about a banner suite’ and a few days later, the ROCKING banners you are going to see soon on websites around the world, landed in our inbox.)

 Who are you? shoutOut 5 days, 3 hours ago by Eric in wordUp 11 hours, 24 minutes ago by crayon

you’ve just joined springleap - say howzit to everyone else, and tell everyone something interesting about yourself.

something that will make people want to ask you more…

i’ll go first - at one stage i had 3 piercings! 2 in my left ear. one in my eyebrow! now i’ve got none!!!

 Coke Fest 2008 shoutOut 4 days, 16 hours ago by Eric in wordUp 1 day, 12 hours ago by Zeryc

We’re AMPED for the coke fest going down in JHB & Cape Town in the next few days.

If you want to win a springleap Tshirt, just copy your name and comment you made on the posting on the website in the shoutBack below - and one of you will be randomly chosen to get a kick $*#% springleap tshirt…

 meet the springleap team shoutOut 6 days, 11 hours ago by Eric in wordUp 2 days, 4 hours ago by Eric

You don’t want to hear about what we studied or where we grew up, or any of that boring stuff.

So we asked the team one IMPORTANT question…

What is your PERFECT SUNDAY?


Hello hello…

My perfect way to spend a Sunday… I’m thinking a wintery, drizzling Sunday in Cape Town - calling up a bunch of mates, cooking a giant roast lamb with a sack load of roast potatoes and a bucket of gravy. Breaking out copious vats of red wine and chatting around the table in front of a roaring fire.

Then eating way too much pudding and snoozing it all off on the couch during Carte Blanche.

Life doesn’t get any better.


Waking up late and having one of my custom greasy breakfasts and then taking an awesome hike up the mountain, to work off the breakfast. In the evening it’s complete chill mode with a good book and music, lots and lots of music.


Waking up early in the morning just before Sunrise: Grabbing my surfboard, picking up my buds and heading down to the beach to watch the sunrise from backline.

Surfing the sun to its noon and enjoying a slight breeze blowing through the air, then going to grab a burger and laughing about the day’s surf the killer party we went to last night. Catching a surf later that day and finishing off with a sauna at the gym and a cool shower. To finish the evening: dinner at Elements with my friends, under a bright moon and sharing a Wes Anderson movie.


I’m thinking whether I prefer the hyper or chilled version. The chilled version would be breakfast in bed & newspaper till about 5 in the afternoon, with the occasional glance at the net.

More active would be a day trip to a wine farm, or to Kalk Bay or to hout bay.

And extreme. Well I remember the old days, and it’s just too tiring thinking about it!


I don’t think I have one particular perfect Sunday. Sometimes it’s a marathon free-for-all Magic: the Gathering session with the guys. Sometimes it’s a Pinotage fillet steak and associated scenery on a beautiful day just outside my home town of Stellenbosch. Sometimes it only starts in the afternoon :)

Most times, though, I eat well, enjoy good company, and learn something new!

 What is theWorks, wordUp, paparazzi, & peeps? shoutOut 1 week, 5 days ago by Eric in wordUp 2 days, 16 hours ago by DuncanBoxie

Have you got something to say? We sure do, and we ain’t shy about it either! ...Which is why the springleap team has set up a whole bunch of areas, where both you and the springleap team can write about STUFF.

The awesome part is that EVERYONE can comment on all the different STUFF that’s written.

So whether you agree, disagree, or wave your hands in the air like you just don’t care… you can SPEAK OUT – your voice WILL be heard! (even if you sing like a canary four notes short of an octave)

We’ve set up a couple different places to write:

1. theWorks - this is EVERYTHING - if you want to see ALL the STUFF in ONE place, go here

2. peeps – Give a shoutOut to your peeps - if YOU want to write about ANYTHING, this is the place to do it

3. wordUp - what is the springleap team thinking & doing? Keeping you in the loop with the latest features as well as what’s going down at springleap – this is the place to look so your heart can skip that beat – but never the lowdown. We love to keep you involved AND informed.

4. paparazzi – MAN! It’s EXCITING to hear and see springleap plastered all over the internet on other websites or mentioned on the news. TV, Radio, Above the Line, Below, the Line, New Media, Old Media, New School, Old School – it’s all here and we want to share it with YOU... because YOU ARE SPRINGLEAP.

Oh - one other thing - if you start a topic we decided to call it a shoutOut. If you comment on anyone else’s topics, we’ve named it a shoutBack.

Totally clear on everything now? If you’re not, just shoutBack below....

 But what does it mean? shoutOut 5 days, 11 hours ago by DuncanBoxie in peeps
none yet


Ok so you design some awesome design and you are fully convinced you are going to walk away with first prize. The votes are there but you aren’t in the top 20….maybe the reason is you never fully explained the message of your shirt, perhaps your design was a little bit too abstract.
Look this kinda thing happens all the time and it will be a perpetual problem.
Just a word of advice, don’t make the design so obscure that everybody just has one look and raises a wth eyebrow in response and misses the point completely.
Also the artist has a comment box where he can let the voter know what he was trying to achieve.
use it guys and girls…or suffer the unknowing, which leads to low votes. :P

 Wartime Tshirt Design shoutOut 6 days, 10 hours ago by DuncanBoxie in peeps 5 days, 11 hours ago by DuncanBoxie

What Tshirt would you wear to war…ok exclusing cammo shirts everybody, lets not cheat.
I’m talking about a design that when the enemy sees you coming it freezes in terror and leaves a puddle of wee where they stand.
I can think of a few designs, like perhaps a picture of Bush with a thumbs up and an inserted caption (in the language of choice) telling them that we come in peace…thats scary.
Maybe a good ol’ Ronald Mc Donald pic…that still gives me nightmares…happy meals are the DEVIL.
Theres a classic tee that has an arrow pointing left or right and the words “I’m with stupid” underneath….that works sooo well.
Can you imagine the faces of the poor hapless 3rd worlds in a trench when they see that coming. I’d drop to my knees and start digging a hole to hide…not that you can hide from thermal scans but hey.
Maybe the best shirt u can wear is a photo realistc one of a terrible gun shot wound…when the enemy gets close u just try not to breathe…perhaps stick some fake flies to your mouth.
Freaking heck…war is ugly.

 South Africa likes springleap shoutOut 2 weeks, 5 days ago by Eric in wordUp 5 days, 11 hours ago by DuncanBoxie

just got a mail to let us know that springleap is just outside the top 1000 on the alexa rankings of the top South African websites.

pretty cool!

that’s made our day!

 springleap SEO competition: R4000 in Prizes shoutOut 1 week, 4 days ago by Eric in wordUp 5 days, 16 hours ago by Eric

The 1st springleap SEO competition opens today and closes at Noon (12am) on the 1st April.

There is R4000 up for grabs…

At the moment if you search for the word - springleap - in (without dashes or quotes, just the word) the following sites come up:




We’ve selected a number of judges, and on the 1st April, they’ll type in - springleap - into

They’ll award 3 points to the first place, 2 points to the second place and 1 point to the third place.

The overall third place will get R500
The overall second place will get R1000

AND if someone has managed to knock down the ranks, then if there is someone else as the overall number one website on that search, they’ll get…

Drum Roll


Let the SEO’ing begin…

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