
Design Write Up

shoutOut on 31/8/10 by DuncanBoxie in peeps

Hi there all.

Today I’d like to talk about submission write-up’s.

Every now and then a designer will send through a really awesome descriptive write-up.
However, for the most part, it seems that people write flat one liners, or even worse nothing at all.

Making sure that your design has a descriptive write-up is a big deal. It is often the case that a submitted design receives low scores because voters don’t quite understand its message, or see its true value.
Voters prefer to learn more about a design before they invest greater interest.

Just because you may fully understand your concept does not mean that the average voter will understand it. If you explain your creative thought process you will undoubtedly get even better responses and constructive criticism.

This doesn’t have to simply be a story about your design. If you don’t have much of a story, why not tell the voters how you came upon the idea and how it evolved as you started designing.

There is no excuse to leave your Design Write-up blank. Designs don’t simply manifest from nothing, they need creative energy, analysis, different styles and external influences. Let us know how your creation was born!

Remember: Your design write-up is the link between your original concept and public understanding.



I totally agree. When a designer adds a bit of a story to the design, it takes on a new life of sorts… Especially when it gives a glimpse into the thought process or mindset of the designer at the time.

It’s like a peek into the consciousness of the artist - viewing the world through their eyes.

Everyone love a good story ;)

shoutBack on 31/8/10 by EranEyal

very good point there duncan

shoutBack on 31/8/10 by INYOURFACE