
Towards the golden tree

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I am an Entrepreneur

Words by the designer:

There are difficult targets, but not impossible.


wow nice!

shoutBack on 10/1/11 by ralphysims

This is extraordinary!!

shoutBack on 9/1/11 by amyabrahams

DalĂ­ is my favorite painter, is not inspired by him, but must be in my unconscious, I guess. ha ha ha!

shoutBack on 8/1/11 by sebasebi

Your subtle use of light and texture is amazing.

shoutBack on 7/1/11 by SmithMachine

this reminds me of Salvador Dali. Not sure why? Is the design inspired by Dali?

shoutBack on 6/1/11 by Eric

Thanks for the comments!

shoutBack on 27/12/10 by sebasebi

amazing sir

shoutBack on 26/12/10 by Sergio37

great job!

shoutBack on 23/12/10 by suburbanhijinx

wow ! magic!

shoutBack on 17/12/10 by kharmazero

its amazing! really like of the whole idea into it! =)

shoutBack on 17/12/10 by Qimstudio